Saturday, February 27, 2010

March 1, 2010

Important and Uplifting Event Coming Up
Be sure to save May 20 on your calendar for the NFTE regional business plan competition banquet. NFTE (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship), offered through the Lyles Center at Fresno State, is student by student changing the culture of our region. The primary aim—helping young people from low-income communities build life-long skills and unlock their entrepreneurial creativity—is relevant for everyone. Critical thinking, problem solving, a belief in possibilities, the passion that develops discipline—all are essential to thrive in this century. Nearly 600 students have gone through the program this year and only the top 5 will present their plans at the event. The 4th annual banquet will be held at International Catering beginning at 5:30 AM. To register or more information go to If you are interesting in sponsorship, contact If you are curious about the path to becoming an entrepreneur, send an email request and you will receive a PowerPoint slide.

Governing Magazine Showcases Solutions From Other States
As California remains locked in polarized finger pointing and strangled by self and single interests, Indiana and Detroit found solutions—go after transformational change and create a separate, independent and empowered team focused on one thing—instituting big changes. Mayor Bing convened a crisis turnaround team that is recommending a total revamp of city operations. Stay tuned on execution. In 2005, Governor Daniels and the Government Efficiency and Financial Planning Department reordered the 73 agencies and more than 300 boards and commissions that made India unmanageable, unaccountable and inefficient. The state also embraced innovations and spent less money than they took in as revenues. As a result, Indiana has been able to fund infrastructure without raising taxes and has a health fiscal outlook. When the problem is structural, there cannot be enough small fixes to add up to solution. As Sun Tzu taught--the solution is both a comprehensive strategy and the relentless execution of tactics:

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

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